Reflexology and its History

Reflexology is more than just a massage, its a form massage therapy. It’s believed by our ancient ancestors that different parts of our body can trigger and relieve pain. Its used as a form of massage therapy based on a system of reflex points that effect a physical change throughout the body. It can reduce stress, headaches, digestive disorders, arthritis, insomnia, hormonal imbalance, menstrual disorders and digestive problems Continue reading “Reflexology and its History”

Post Surgery Massage Therapy

Recovery from a surgery could involve weeks or even months of rehabilitation to nurture the area back to full health. Although massage is seen as a form of relaxation, using massage to feel better after surgery and heal faster is the oldest method of recovery, and it works wonders! Massage therapy can help the area not only heal faster, but also relieve pain and discomfort along the healing process. Doctors will usually recommend a physical therapist and a massage therapist to regain full functionality. Continue reading “Post Surgery Massage Therapy”

Fight Acne With Essential Oils

Essential oil

We all experience acne, especially in our teenage years; so today we are going to discuses some treatments for a healthier skin. Acne starts when out pores become clogged with debris, excess oil production and dead skin cells. It can also occur due to stress, hormone imbalance and lack of sleep.

We always advise people to go natural before turning to harsh chemicals because these products cause side effect and irritate your skin. Further damaging you’re skin and adding to the problem. Natural oils are full of minerals, vitamins and essential contents for a healthier, spot and blemish free skin.

Continue reading “Fight Acne With Essential Oils”

A Massage Can Boost Your Immune System

For the past two years I was lucky enough to dodge all sorts of illnesses while my friends and family members caught the cold once a year. Between eating healthy and stay fit, I would visit a massage therapist twice a week. A massage helped me eliminate a lot of stress during my university finals, while simultaneously trying to pay for rent and groceries. Continue reading “A Massage Can Boost Your Immune System”

The Things Psychologists Do Everyday to Feel Happy


Psychologists practice what they preach when it comes to the daily rituals that make for a happier life. They argue the root of happiness is within self-care, so shouldn’t feel selfish if you need to take more time for yourself. Psychologists also focus on the idea that self-care is an everyday priority, it is not something that can wait. Continue reading “The Things Psychologists Do Everyday to Feel Happy”