A big complaint about busy schedules is the time it takes away from being able to prep and cook a nutritious meal on a regular basis. Fast food and restaurants have become a crutch of many of the go but it doesn’t always mean that you have to completely lose out on nutrition. Continue reading “Better Choices at Fast Food Favorites and Restaurants”
Eating your way to hydration
Having a good daily intake of water is essential to your health. It is scientifically proved that your body is composed of 60% water. This water helps your body function and maintain itself throughout the day. Drinking enough water is important to keep the body actively working around the clock with digestion, transference of nutrients and body temperature maintenance. It also keeps your skin clear and glowing full of heath. Water also helps your body flush out toxins that can affect clogged pores that cause acne. This flushing process also keeps your kidneys functioning properly by transporting waste/urine into the bladder to later be disposed of. Continue reading “Eating your way to hydration”
Beginners Guide to Relive Stress with Essential Oils
The five senses are incredibly important to our brain function. The way we taste, touch, smell, see, and hear sends messages to our brain, and the way our body responds to it comes from the way our brain reacts. A scent is one sense that often doesn’t get enough credit for the way it can affect our mood and behavior. Continue reading “Beginners Guide to Relive Stress with Essential Oils”
Combat a headache with a massage
A lot of people will resort to some sort of pain medication to relieve their headache/migraine. There are a ton of scholarly articles out in the wild that produce evidence towards the healing effects of a simple massage. It is also the healthiest way to cope and relieve pain, because you’re not destroying your body by pumping it full of medication and painkillers.
Continue reading “Combat a headache with a massage”
Hard vs. Soft Wax Hair Removal
Summertime bikinis, short shorts, and tank tops means some special attention to hair removal needs to be taken into consideration. Over the years numerous articles and bits of information on hair removal have been published promising the best advise on how to get rid of unwanted hair. The two most low cost ways, shaving and waxing, still prevail to be the most popular methods of removing hair. While shaving can be done on your own and at home, regular maintenance can be tedious. Waxing does cost more up front but results do last much longer, so the initial investment might actually spare you some money in the long run. Continue reading “Hard vs. Soft Wax Hair Removal”
Can a homemade facial replace a professional spa?
Homemade facials and face masks are quick and relatively cheap. They also make us feel good about our self image. As you read this article the ingredients and house hold items needed to create a facial might even be in your own home. For example:
The Banana Facial is an all-natural, homemade facial that’s super cheap and takes little to no time to prepare. All you have to do is mash up a single banana and apply it evenly to your face. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse it off your face with cold water. This remedy is rich in potassium and moisture; it’s supposed to leave your skin feeling hydrated and soft.
However there are benefits to seeking professional help for your skin conditions. Continue reading “Can a homemade facial replace a professional spa?”
Why You Should Have a Taste of the Tropics
Its summer time! If you can’t get away to a tropical paradise or even just a day beach trip why not refresh your palette with some flavors from the Island. The fruit we are specifically talking about is pineapple. Continue reading “Why You Should Have a Taste of the Tropics”
Skin Care Products Dermatologist Say to Never Use
The pursuit for flawless skin can be filled with expensive products, tedious techniques, and professional treatments. Everyone’s skincare regiment is different based on his or her own wants and needs. Continue reading “Skin Care Products Dermatologist Say to Never Use”
Simple Stretches
Waking up at 6am to hit a morning yoga class is not always an option for everyone. Nonetheless we’re sure you have heard of the amazing results people have had on their muscle joints and mobility from yoga. Continue reading “Simple Stretches”
The History of Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has continually evolved over the past 5000 years of its existence. Civilizations in the East and the West praised massage therapy for its healing benefits and its ability to prevent future illnesses.
Continue reading “The History of Massage Therapy”